About Us
Who Are We?
We are a vibrant, progressive, multicultural, and fully affirming Christian community of people who are committed to accepting God’s invitation to write a new story in and through our lives.
“We want NewStory to be a place where our faith in Christ, our hope for the world that God is reconciling, and our love for one another compels us to create a space where people are seen, where people belong, and where together we find wholeness and purpose in our relationship with God, self, others, and creation.”
Many of us who call NewStory home have a history with traditional, fundamentalist, conservative, and/or Evangelical Christian traditions. Some might refer to us as “church refugees” who crave a Christian spirituality that leads us into an authentically passionate encounter with God while making room for healthy questioning regarding theology, open dialogue about faith, and a safe space to wrestle with scripture. Whether you find yourself wanting to give church one last try, have never set foot in a church building before, or would consider yourself a longtime follower of Jesus, we invite you to NewStory.
What we mean by “Fully Affirming”
Loud and Proud!
We welcome all persons and families to participate at all levels of our faith community, such as serving in ministry, leading a ministry team or small group, holding a staff position, and being an elder. NewStory offers full pastoral care to everyone in our congregation regardless of ability, age, race, nationality, immigration status, sex, gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation. This includes, but is not limited to, spiritual counsel, prayer, baptism, weddings, funerals and visitation during illness.